About Us

CV. Wijaya Karya Pratama (Banten, Indonesia)

Starting a business in the 2001 procurement of goods, especially the supply of material for Project-
work.Dalam water project period until now very much on our experience on how to serve our customers especially in the procurement / delivery of goods on time.
We're used to working rhythm full dynamic customer either because the project site is far from the city center so it is difficult to reach by public transport, weather, shorter time to complete the project and other constraints.

We can understand the situation as it was and ready to adapt to sisitim work of our customers. For us the purchase order (PO) is an obligation that must be fulfilled in advance with as much as you prior to making a profit, and we continue to build communication with customers and even not hesitate to ask if there is something material that did not fit so at the time of delivery of goods all in accordance with requirements in the field.

Wijaya Karya Pratama was the right choice as your partner for the supply of material projects undertaken both small and large scale.


Menjadi perusahaan supplier yang dapat diandalkan.


- Senantiasa mendahulukan kepentingan customer
- Memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik
- Membangun komunikasi yang baik untuk tercapainya customer Satisfaction Silakan hubungi kami dengan mengklik kontak kami


Berikut berapa daftar lokasi proyek air bersih (proyek IKK) yang kami suplai :

1.Propinsi lampung
   - Desa khepang Jaya,Desa pisang,dll

2.Propinsi Sumatera Barat
   - Sangir,Kubung,Pesisir selatan,dll

3. Propinsi Sumatera Utara
   - Tukka,pangkalan dodek,Besitang,Bilah Barat,kota pinang,hamparan perak,tanjung morawa,labuhan batu,dll

4. Jambi
   - Jangkat,tanjung johor,kuala tungkal,tebing tinggi,simpang lopon,rimbaulu,muaro dll

5. Riau
   - Rokan hulu,kabun, bunguran timur,selatan,T pinang,siak,Kampar timur,balam merah dll

6. Aceh
   - Simeulu,rikit gaib,celala,bireun,kutamalaka dll

7. Kalimantan Timur
   - Luwung ranggan,rapak lambur,tanjung selor,dll

8. Kalimantan Barat
   - Sei paduan,tebelian,jelimpo dll

9. Sulawesi Utara
   - Tumpaan,mangaran,bolaang,pasar wajo,abuki dll

10. Bali
   - Ceningan

11. Gorontalo
   - Tolangohula,boalemo,buntulia dll

12. Maluku
   - Weda kilo

13. Dan banyak lagi lokasi proyek di propinsi  lainnya yang tidak kami uraikan disini seperti dipropinsi:
      Sumsel,papua,Sulawesi tengah dll

Dan kesemua proyek ini tersuplai dengan baik tanpa ada satupun material yang kami tolak.


Komp. Taman Royal 2 Jl. Brawijaya No. 5A Cipondoh - Tangerang Tangerang 15141
Banten , Indonesia


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